Hi, I'm Zheyu Zhang (张哲语)!

I am a master student in Computational Linguistics / NLP at CIS, LMU Munich. Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from IFI, LMU Munich. I'm also an incoming PhD student at Technical University of Munich, advised by Prof. Gjergji Kasneci.

I am broadly interested in natural language generation and model robustness and generalization.

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Feb '24   🦞 Happy to be selected as a student volunteer and I'll be in Malta for EACL 2024!

Jan '24   🍻 One paper is accepted to EACL 2024!

Nov '23   🚀 Excited to join Bosch as a Generative AI Engineer Intern, working on LLMs-based Agents!

Oct '23   🍻 One paper is accepted to EMNLP 2023 Workshop CoNLL-CMCL Shared Task BabyLM Challenge!


project image

mPLM-Sim: Better Cross-Lingual Similarity and Transfer in Multilingual Pretrained Language Models

Peiqin Lin, Chengzhi Hu, Zheyu Zhang, André FT Martins, Hinrich Schütze
EACL 2024 Findings
paper / code /

project image

Baby’s CoThought: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Reasoning in Compact Models

Zheyu Zhang, Han Yang, Bolei Ma, David Rügamer, Ercong Nie
EMNLP 2023 Workshop CoNLL-CMCL Shared Task BabyLM Challenge
paper / code / poster /


Academic Service

  • Volunteering
    EACL 2024
  • Reviewing
    BabyLM Challenge 2023